Monday, September 24, 2012

Photo Vocab

daguerrotype was the fist successful comercial photograph developing process. The surface was a silver copper plate called a sheffield plate. It was rolled silver that was light sensitive. They became successful in 1839 which is known as the day photography was born. It replaced the camera obscuras and the process of tracing.

albumen print was first commercially exploitable method to produce a photograph on a piece of paper. It used a chemical found in egg whites called albumen. It was more to be considered a printer then a negative.

stereograph is a 3d image. They started becoming popular in 1851.

carte de visite was a small photograph about the size of a small card. They were popular because people could trade  pictures among each other.

Matthew Brady was one of the most well known photographers from the 19th century. He did a lot of photos of famous people and the documentary he made of the war. 

Alexander Gardner was a Scottish photographer from the 18th century. He was well know for the photos he took during the civil war.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Nicéphore Niépce

He was one of the first photographers. He came up with the idea to use photo paper and originally used lavender oil for the development.